Unsecured personal loans can be a wise alternative to credit cards for a large purchase or expense because the interest rate is typically less. Unlike a home or car loan, however, an unsecured personal loan does not call for borrowers to use collateral. Without this form of guarantee, lenders instead must base their decision on your credit worthiness and ability to repay. If you have never before applied for a personal loan, or you have applied only to be rejected, the following tips can help you improve your chances of being approved.
27 December 2018
If you are in the process of setting up your first small business and are concerned about the tax filing requirements, then these tips will ensure you have a lot less stress and frustration next April when it's your first time to file: Tip: Stay on Top of Bookkeeping Tasks From Day One The day you start your small business is the day you need to start staying on top of its bookkeeping needs.
22 October 2018
If you are someone who is hoping to take out a loan, you might be unsure of how to get started. The good news is that nowadays, many banks are offering video banking options for their customers and potential customers. As the name suggests, this provides you with the opportunity to "meet" with someone from the bank to talk about your loan options without actually having to go into a bank.
28 July 2018
As a small business owner taxes are not just something that you have to worry about during tax season, they are something that you need to be aware of throughout the year. As a small business owner, there are easy and simple steps that you can follow year-round that will ensure that tax season is easier on you. 1. Have Dedicated Business Accounts The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you have set-up dedicated business accounts.
4 May 2018
To safeguard your construction job, it's important that you take every assurance possible. Instead of just working on handshake deals or even typical contracts, make sure that you look into bid bonds. A bid bond acts as a collateral agreement that ensures every part of the construction process goes smoothly. These bid bonds are great for everyone involved, and should definitely be a consideration if you are moving forward with a project.
14 February 2018