
Benefits Of Choosing A Credit Union

Finance & Money Blog

If you are looking for a new banking institution and are dissatisfied with your current bank, you may be wondering where you should go to manage your money and credit. There are many options available in the highly competitive banking market today. However, what you may not yet have considered is working with a credit union rather than a traditional bank. There are many benefits to choosing to work with a credit union for your money management, loan, and credit needs.

10 February 2021

New To The Idea Of A DST 1031? Important Information For Real Estate Investors

Finance & Money Blog

In the United States, some or all of the proceeds from the sale of a personal residence may be protected from capital gains taxation, depending on the amount of the calculated gain and other established criteria. The proceeds from the sale of an investment property, such as income-producing apartments and single-family homes, however, are subject to capital gains taxes.  Real estate investors, especially those in the process of building a profitable portfolio, must carefully consider the impact of potential capital gains taxes on their business and look for ways to minimize or avoid it.

24 September 2020

4 Things You Need to Know About Checking Accounts

Finance & Money Blog

Few financial tools are as important in modern life as checking accounts. They make it possible to put money to use quickly while also keeping it secure until needed. Finding the right checking account financial solution for you, though, can be a little challenging. Take a look at what you should know about checking accounts before selecting one. 1. Fees Although free checking accounts are fairly common, that's not quite the same as an account being fee-free.

10 July 2020

Tips To Remember When Hiring A Bail Bonds Service

Finance & Money Blog

No one ever plans on spending a night in jail, but sometimes things can go sideways or you can make a bad mistake. If you find yourself in this situation, you are no doubt going to be interested in getting out of jail as soon as you can. The legal system does provide a means for people who are arrested to be let out in advance of their trial, and this is typically done by setting a bail amount.

18 November 2019

3 Tips To Save Money When Shopping For A New Vehicle

Finance & Money Blog

Do you have a vehicle that is on its last legs? Are you planning to get a new one as soon as possible? Are you trying to avoid car payments that you can barely afford? It's an unfortunate reality that you have to have a car in many places if you want to be able to do anything in your life. There are areas of the country that are too rural for bus service and/or taking a taxi everywhere isn't practical either.

26 September 2019

A Payday Loan Can Help You In A Pinch

Finance & Money Blog

Emergencies are a part of life. Everything was going fine, and then a car accident or some other incident occurred that either caused property damage or a medical bill. We all try our best to save up some money when we can, but sometimes, you just don't have the cash. That's where a payday loan company could come to the rescue. Here's how a payday loan could help you with your current situation and get you back on track.

25 July 2019

A Loan Can Be Great For Paying Off Your Bills


If you have fallen behind on a lot of your bills, then you may feel overwhelmed. In some cases, your bills can get so out of control that you won't have any idea how you can dig yourself out of the financial hole you have found yourself in. While getting a loan on top of the bills that you already have may seem counterproductive, it can in many cases be a very smart move on your part.

22 May 2019

3 Signs Your Company Should Outsource Its CFO Services

Finance & Money Blog

When you think about adding someone to a leadership position in your company, you might think about hiring someone from within or hiring a new, full-time employee. This may be the case for CFO positions and many other positions within your company. Business outsourced CFO services is more popular than many people in the business world realize, though, and it's a good thing to do in these scenarios. 1. You Run a Smaller Business 

18 March 2019

Applying For A First Unsecured Personal Loan? 4 Tips For Getting Approved

Finance & Money Blog

Unsecured personal loans can be a wise alternative to credit cards for a large purchase or expense because the interest rate is typically less. Unlike a home or car loan, however, an unsecured personal loan does not call for borrowers to use collateral. Without this form of guarantee, lenders instead must base their decision on your credit worthiness and ability to repay.  If you have never before applied for a personal loan, or you have applied only to be rejected, the following tips can help you improve your chances of being approved.

27 December 2018

Tax Tips For New Small Business Owners

Finance & Money Blog

If you are in the process of setting up your first small business and are concerned about the tax filing requirements, then these tips will ensure you have a lot less stress and frustration next April when it's your first time to file: Tip: Stay on Top of Bookkeeping Tasks From Day One The day you start your small business is the day you need to start staying on top of its bookkeeping needs.

22 October 2018